Monday, January 27, 2020
The need for an offshore business plan
The need for an offshore business plan Nowadays the term offshore business is getting more and more business attentions. This term covers a wide range of information technology and other business related services offered by companies in developing countries to the companies in developed countries . The off shoring business is mainly started as a business to do cheap software development, and then it is expended to other areas which can be called ITES, IT enabled services like call centres and support centres . The term Business Process outsourcing (BPO) refers to the transfer of a companies business which are not the core process but the which are critical to the functioning to an external vendor in other country .These external vendors uses IT based delivery. By doing such kind of offshoring , the firms are able to focus on the their core areas ,making cost benefits and the non core areas will be handled by experts . This will help the parent firms shareholder value to increase because it is all about the performance in the market . (Roy,Sharma and Bhushan,2006) During the last one decade India has been developing as the most attractive location for offshore businesses . Companies and Global corporate from all over the world have already moved to Indian to take the advantages of the benefits of this country provides. The number of fortune 500 companies who has already set up their captive offshore business centre in India is not small . Thus India is emerging as the largest offshore hub in the world. The Information technology (IT) Outsourcing and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) market in India has been showing an unbelievable growth. According to the estimates of NASSCOM, the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), Indian offshore business (bothe IT and BP0) market is worth around seventeen billion USD, which is nearly forty four percent of the total global off shoring market (about USD 40 billion). (Tutorial reports, 2009) This report proceeds as follows .The first part will give the SWOT analysis of Indian offshore industry .The second chapter will explain about the benefits of off shoring to India .The third part will give an idea about various challenges that has to be faces in Indian offshore business. The final part will explain about the implication of development to the Indian companies . SWOT analysis In this section , a SWOT analysis of Indian offshore business sector is given .The tables below is very brief .Most of the things mentioned in this SWOT table will be covered in the coming sections. Strengths Rich and wide talent pool. English speaking graduates and Engineering graduates. Attrition rate is low compared to developed countries. Technological competency is high Benefits due to geographical location and time difference. Economical benefits .Reduced labour and infrastructure cost . Weaknesses The infrastructure is feeble. Diversity in culture . Legal issues Data protection and privacy issues Opportunities Availabily of manpower . High quality of information technology The market potential is high Growing economy . Educated young generation Threats Anti outsourcing bill in US Competition from other countries like china, Ireland, Philippians and eastern European countries. The billing rates are growing high Off shoring to India -Benefits Cost Benefits : One of the basic reason for doing offshore business in India is the direct saving of the cost. This cost benefits are calculated as a difference from the wages in India and wages in western countries for doing the same kind of skilled jobs. Even though the difference is decreasing due to the rise of wage in IT professionals in India, there will be significant cost benefits gained from outsourcing to India. The corporations around the world are not only outsourcing India for the end process tasks but also for the Knowledge Process outsourcing.( Robinson and Kalakota (2004) . The clinical trial outsourcing is an example .The clinical trials that can be done in India would give a cost saving of 40-50% compared to that being done in America. It also gives cost benefit in terms of capital benefits .The global corporate need not invest money on infrastructure and recruitment in the country where it is operating .The capital investments may be much cheaper in India. According to World Outso urcing Summit conducted in 2004, cost benefits are cited as the primary motive towards offshoring business services to India (Corbett, 2004). In the airline industry, Delta Air Lines offshore-outsourced some of its worldwide reservation services to India-based Wipro Spectramind. This third-party vendor manages Deltas reservations from its Mumbai call center; a move that Delta expects will save $26 million in 2003 alone . Robinson and Kalakota (2004) Access to the pool of Talent Offshore business is one way of accessing the talent from overseas for certain occupations. India has got a very big pool of people with rich talent .India has got several technology enabled centres (Green,2007).These centres has got the ability to attract the highly talented people .The speed of the recruitment and availability of the talent is much higher when compared to the western countries and US. This why India still remains in the no.1 position in offshore business centres. Another advantage is the availability of English speaking people with high-IQ. ( Kripalani, M., Engardio, P ,2003). Speedy and reduced cost Recruitment In US and western counties, the speed of the recruitment is comparatively less .It can take weeks or months to hire a person and fill the gap especially for a technically skilled position. Due to the large pool of candidates with high talent in Indian , the recruitment process is much faster than that of US .The cost of recruitment in US is much much higher than the cost of recruitment in India. This gives an advantage in offshore operations in India. (Green,2007). Fast Turn around time The time difference between US and India is 12 hours .This will allow the Indian part of the company to do processing at night time US .This difference in the zonal time gives a 24 hours work environment in the companies which does offshore business. So the processing tasks will be done without the backlogs. This gives a big benfits to the companies who wishes to operate 24 hrs and do some offshore business in India. The IT teams who work both in client site and Indian offshore locations has got very big advantage .The team who are in US work with the client during the day time in US and hands over the work to Indian team before they go to bed. The other part of the team who are in india will take over the work and do the work during the day time in India .This will significantly reduce the turnaround time .(Chithlen,2004) One of the main motive behind Nortal networks, an IT firm from Canada to start offshore business is in India was the benefit of turnaround time. They took the advantage of the time difference between Canada and India. Other Benefits:- Since it is not possible to explain all the benfits in details , some of the benefits are listed here . India has got people with information technology skills that are recognized by US companies . Indian government offers some tax exemption to the IT companies . Indian work practices, mainly in IT companies ly comply with the standards of ISO and SEI CMM s. More than eighty percentage of SEI-CMM 5 companies worldwide are located in India. The quality standards are approved by the leading companies from developed nations .The number of countries to which India exports software is 95.. The political factors are favouring the IT industry and it is stable The satellite and submarine connectivity is very good and which makes the broadband connectivity one of the best in the wolrd . Offshoring to India -Challenges Even though India is the no.1 attractive location for offshore business, there are many challenges that has to be faces by the firms to make a successful offshore business. In this section, the possible challenges will be explained briefly. Cultural Issues The culture in India is far different from the other countries where the offshore business jobs are coming from. The way of getting the work done and the conflict resolution methods in India are different .Even the words used in different contexts can have different meanings in Indian culture. These words may have slightly different meaning in European or Indian culture. The companies who would like to set up offshore business in India have to have a well aware of the Indian culture and they have to set their challenges and goals. According to Geert Hoftsede , Indias power distance index is very high compared to US or European countries. Higher power distance means, the inequality in the hierarchical levels is high . Indias power distance index is 77 . But the power distance of US where most of the offshore businesses are coming from is 40. The other dimensional indexes also are different. (Hoftsede, 1980). This can be illustrated by so many examples, In the call centres or other Business Process outsourced industries, the Indian teams have cultural problems in working with American colleagues. In American, the team members are expected to be taking responsibility and ownership .This is much less in Indian teams .In Indian culture is decision making is much more top-down where it tend to be less in American culture .In Indian culture the style of meeting deadlines, commitment, attitude towards the process and mindset about the different hierarchical levels are very different .These are all challenges that has to be faced while setting up offshore business in India. (Schomer, 2010) Infrastructure Challenges The infrastructure challenges are one of the big challenges of those who are keen to do offshore business in India. The firms from US and UK are keen to lease offices in Indian offshore location. The demand for the office spaces in key business locations is so high. So the companies have to book the places even before the construction is finished . Another problem is the future expansions. Companies have to look for office spaces if different location which makes the coordination difficult .For example the company HP has got 20 rented offices spaces in different parts of the Bangalore and they are running out of space .This challenges will lead the companies to get involved in developing their own campus of get involved in real estate business. (Butler,2003) Recruitment Challenges The pool of candidates in India is really huge .Nearly 260,000 engineering graduates come out of the campus every year .Finding the real best talent out of this pool is becoming a real challenge in these years. For example, the company called Infosys does the interview view for 67,000 candidates which are selected from nearly a million application .But only 260000 people are hired. So the effort and money put for these recruitment is not negligible. The companies from US/EU have to define a well structured recruitment process to find the best talent. Another additional challenge is the retention of employees. The attrition rate in India is higher that that of US/EU .As the number of vacancy is high, the candidates have got more opportunities and the other recruiter from other company will approach the candidate .So the retention policy in US or EU will not be applicable in a country like India.(Kottoli,2006). Training Challenges The work force should be trained to be more productive .This demands an organized training program. It can be seen that employees in India may have good englsih written skills, the offshore business demands more skills in verbal communication. The BPO employees should be trained in verbal communication which is more of accent training .(Brodsky and Vance,2009) In order for the employee to interact with the US/UK side of the business , the training should be tailored to include the cultural issues. The one who conducts the training should be aware of cultural issues of both parent and Indian organization. There is requirement that the hires should be trained in some technical specific tools This is to make them more productive in the real work environment. There are some training in specialized tools (eg. SIMMS, Kramer and Chronology etc.) Which are not available in India. This requires the overseas travelling of trainers of employees Challenges in team coordination In the offshore business teams working in different geographic locations. So there will be difference in the time zones. And the cultural differences will also be a problem for the team integrations. So coordination issues are one of the challenges to the offshore business. Rather that focusing on job, team will take time to do storming. Its the job of management to take care of the trust problems in the team and the communication gaps. This will help to minimize work stress among the members of team . The challenges of coordinating teams with different culture are little bit complex and cannot be easily solved with company policies. The companies may require consultants who can handle the cross-cultural issues.(Fabriek,2007) à Security in Data When selecting a technology provider organization for offshore jobs, companies should take care of the fact that they should have proper procedure for infrastructure security and comprehensive data security. There are different specific areas to be included such as compliance, communications and systems management, system development, and classification controls of assets. This can become a challenge while off shoring to India The procedures are policies are intended to cover business as usual activities such as restore and backup , assessment of information risk and change of control guidelines . Also the disaster recovery plans and business continuity policies could be well established Capgemini was selected to work with the Ministry of Defense of a major European country to implement an ERP system using SAP. However, the ministry was constrained by severe budgetary restrictions and therefore wanted to use offshore competencies and rates without compromising security. Following a stringent security audit, Capgemini India was awarded security clearance to develop and test the ministrys ERP solutions offshore (Dhodia-Capgemini,2006) Quality of serviceà The quality of service is another challenges .The quality can bring the real cost savings .Otherwise it may bring losses instead of savings .For example , after receiving many complaints about the service from customers ,Dell was forces to close one of its support centre . So a keep monitoring of the quality of the work and place where it is outsources is very much required for the offshore jobs. (Green, 2007) Off shoring India -Development of Indian Companies The offshore business in India has contributed significantly to the economic and market growth of India .These offshore business has caused the rise of many companies which are global players. Since year 2006, Indian offshore business providers have made at least thirteen acquisitions abroad in North American and European Markets. (Fitzgerald,2009) .A big competition is going in the top players in Indian offshore industry (Hillary,2004) . A brief explanation of the top players in Indian offshore business will give n insight into the development happened to the Indian companies. INFOSYS Infosys is started in 1981 with an initial investment of INR 1000.It has started its full scale operation in 1993 . The US investment bankerà Morgan Stanleyà has bought 13% of equity at the offer price of Rs. 95 per shareà .. By the year 1999, the share price has gone above eight thousand Indian rupees. At the end of year 2000, the share price of this company went well above 15 thousand Indian rupees. (India Today ,1999) .As of march 2010, the revenue of Infosys is 4.8 billion US dollars and it employees more than 113 thousand people .(Garia,2010) Since it is listed in the Bombay stock exchange , the sales and earnings growth rate of Infosys was more than seventy percentage .(Forbes,200)à .During a speech , the former president of US complimented India for its achievement in technology by citing the company name Infosys .(Indian express ,2000).The number of applications it receives is more than one million which makes Infosys a very well know and branded company among the jobseekers in India . WIPRO Wipro is another giant information technology organization which is benifited from offshore business . According to th2008-2009 financial year report , Wipro is one of the largest information technology services company which employees more than 108 thousand people all over the world .(Wipro quarter results,2009)Even though , it has other business areas other than information technology , its main revenue is from offshore IT services .When IBM was asked to leave Indian information technology sector , Wipro entered into the information technology . As of march 2010, its net revenue is 6.03 billion US dollars(Wipro,2010). Acquisitions, : Over the last few years Wipro was very successful in acquiring companies . Wipros focus in the information technology sector is mainly on SOA, BPO and conà sulting. Wipro is interested in big deals . Wipro has acquired a company called Infocrossing which makes Wipro as a very well player in infrastructure management deals. Wipro has got collaborative deals with Nokia Siemens in the area os radio acces research and development .Also it has signed contracts with Cisco to step into the networking area. Wipro is continuing to grow as a global player in the off shoring businees. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). Tata Consultancy Services is a strong player in Indian software industry which focuses on software services and consulting .It was founded in 1968 .TCS is listed in National Stock exchange and Bombay Stock exchange .(ICMR,2004) .In 2010 , the revenue of this company reached 6.33 billion USD and it employees more than 160 thousand people . Strong Revenue Growth: It is reported that TCS has got strong 27% growth in revenues .The net income growth is at a rate of 26%. TCS does offshore business with eighteen clients billing more than 50 million USD and six clients above 100 million USD. The growth rate of TCS in Middle east ,Asia and APAC countries is incredible. TCS was able to stepped up into the Telecom and manufacturing services and it is growing. Recently , non-ADM services of TCS has contributed more than 50% of overall TCS revenues. Its BPO services also show good groeth rate which is in the order of double digit. . TCS is the first Indian IT company which employed more than 100,000 employees. These are the development of major players in the Indian offshore business .There are hundreds of companies who are benefited from the offshore business ..
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Everything you Need to Know About Human papillomavirus Essay
Chances are you have at least came into contact with the human papilliomavirus and had no clue you did. Most adults have whom are sexually active have been exposed to HPV, with as many as 20 million estimated Americans to be infected with the strains that cause genital warts. The good news, most cases have no symptoms of health problems. Now for the bad news, it causes nearly all cases of cervical cancer . In many ways, you can compare HPV to genital herpes. Both are incurable and rarely have symptoms. However, both are capable of causing medical problems and are both widespread in this country. Luckily, HPV only causes cancer in a small percentage of those infected. Besides cervical cancer, which is usually all that ever gets mentioned when discussing this infection, HPV can also cause cancer of the vulva, penis, head, neck, and anus, but these are extremely rare. These viruses are called papillomavirus because they tend to cause warts, or papillomas. Which are benign tumors. Warts caused from HPV can appear in the hands, feet or on/around the genital area. The strains of HPV that cause warts on the hands and feet are rarely the same as the ones that cause genital warts. There are about two hundred different types of HPV. Only about forty strains are caused from some form of sexual contact and only a handful are associated with cervical cancer. More than ninety-five percent of HPV viruses cause no symptoms and problems. The Gardasil vaccine, a serious of three shots over a period of six months, was approved for women between the ages of thirteen and twenty-six. This vaccine was shown to prevent HPV strains sixteen and eighteen, strains causing seventy percent of cervical cancer. Gardisil does not cure or prevent all strains of HPV. Researchers donââ¬â¢t know if patients who show no symptoms are as contagious as the ones who are.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Having a Child does Reduce Marriage Satisfaction Essay
Children should be source of happiness to a family, but that is not necessarily the case. The addition (or even removal) of a person from a family may cause the family to require a lot of reorganization in order to maintain its normal system [LeMasters, 1957 cited in Twenge, Campbell and Foster (2003)]. The inclusion of a new person into the family is usually a kind of crisis since it has to be supported by a reorganization of the family that would strive to restore normalcy while accommodating the new person. LeMasters (1957) likened the reorganization process to a crisis since it must involve making of concrete decisions to solve problems in old patterns of the family, which become somehow insufficient with the incoming of a new parson, especially a newborn. Insufficiency in a family due to the arrival of newborn arises due to several factors, which may be directly linked to the infant or indirectly affecting the parents. Nevertheless, babies at different ages have different requirements, and thus affect family systems in different ways. Twenge, Campbell and Foster (2003) noted that parents with children under the age of five years experience persistent lack of sleep due to the infantsââ¬â¢ need for close attention particularly at night. In addition, such parents may also experience chronic tiredness, some form of guilt that they are not offering the best care (particularly if the infant keeps on crying), and a feeling of too much confinement at home to care for the baby. At the individual level, mothers may be concerned about their appearance, both in terms of the stress involve in taking care of the baby and in the physical attributes of the body after birth. According to Foley, Kope and Sugrue (2001), first time mothers are particularly prone to this kind of stress. For the fathers, a research recorded by Gottman (1994) revealed that becoming a father was partly the cause of declines in wifeââ¬â¢s sexual responsiveness and ultimately, dissatisfaction in marriage. Moreover, fathers usually become burdened with a role to be sole breadwinners for the family since the women (even those who are working) have to be reduced to the role of housewives as they take care of babies in their early stages of growth. In general, when a married couple gets a baby, there is a tendency that the couple may be affected in number of ways. To begin with, there may be an increase in household chores and stress (since the baby has its own requirements in addition to the routine duties) (Twenge, Campbell and Foster, 2003). This may be amplified due to lack of adequate time for discussion between the couple as much of the time is directed to the baby. Secondly, the lack of discussion would result in poor companionship of the couple. Thirdly, as the gap between the couple and the baby becomes the center of focus, the coupleââ¬â¢s sexual life may be annihilated (Twenge, Campbell and Foster, 2003). In addition, as a married couple gets distant due to the arrival of a baby, they may seek solace in their daily activities but this is likely to confer a number of disadvantages to the family since there may be an overload in accumulated roles of each parent (partner). McCary (1975) and Morgan (1988) have shown that in case the wives are not working, the arrival of a baby exacerbates depedendecy of the wife on the man hence the man feels more superior at the expense of the demoralized wife. Hence, birth raises inequity between married partners. Finally, having a child generates negative assessments of marriage, especially among the non-traditional women who may look at giving birth and taking care of a baby as too tedious and involving a task (Twenge, Campbell and Foster, 2003). In spite of the many challenges faced by families in having children, some authors (such as Foley, Kope and Sugrue [2001]) have noted that having a child may decrease marriage satisfaction, increase it or have no effect at all. Hence, all the aforementioned effects of having a child cannot be generalized to all families since different facilities have different levels of socialization and economic standing among other factors. It is thus worth noting that having a child confers various effects on the family setting. This paper will focus on the effect of having child in marriage but will be biased towards the preposition that having a child or children does reduce satisfaction in marriage. The paper will involve a review of past works on the concept accompanied with concise discussion based on the findings. In order to come up with a deduction on the topic, conclusions will be derived from the discussion to justify if the perception indeed holds water.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
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