Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Contrast an Effective and Ineffective Leader Using the Concepts of Influence Tactics
Contrast an Effective and Ineffective Leader Using the Concepts of Influence Tactics According to Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy (2009), leadership involves influencing people with an aim of achieving certain set objectives. Leadership involves, directing, control and supervisions of activities among other roles. The achievement of organizational objectives is accomplished through use of effective skills in leadership.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Contrast an Effective and Ineffective Leader Using the Concepts of Influence Tactics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Leadership involves application of traits that will work to influence people to achieve desired outcomes. For effective leaders there is need to understand how influence tactics come into play in leadership. A leader should develop the necessary power to influence behavior in an organization to a certain direction. In influencing behavior, an effective leader applies strategies or tactics that are meant to change the attitudes of the staff, the ir beliefs, values, and how they act (Fairholm, 2009). Effective managers apply soft tactics in their leadership that are friendly to their employees, are not coercive and other people perceive this tactics to be fair to them (Fairholm, 2009). Some of the tactics applied by effective managers include use of rational persuasion; it is where managers attempt to convince their juniors by applying logical arguments as well as introducing evidence that is based on facts. Effective managers will also apply inspirational appeal, which is attempting to create enthusiasm amongst the employees by attempting to appeal to the emotions, value system, and individual ideals of the employees in the organization (Fairholm, 2009). Consultation is also an important tactic applied by effective manager and it involves inviting of other people in the organization into participating in the decision-making, planning, and in the creation and implementation of changes in the organization (Fairholm, 2009). Th e staff in the organization should feel they are part of the decision-making and consultation is crucial in achieving this. Ingratiation is another tactic applied by effective leaders and it involves the act of ensuring other people are in good mood before a leader attempts to influence the people. Ingratiation is at times regarded as flattery but it works if well applied. Personal appeal is also an effective approach that is applied by leaders, it involves the application of reference to friendship, and loyalty before a leader makes any request.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ineffective leaders apply ineffective tactics to influence people towards achieving organizational goals and objectives. Ineffective leaders apply hard tactics that exert pressure on their staff, work in generating resistance and the tactics are regarded as being unfair (Fairholm, 2009). Som e of the hard tactics include use of pressure, where a leader applies demands, threats, frequently checks on what others are doing or persistently reminds staff on what to do, with intent of influencing the target to acting in a certain way. Another tactic used by ineffective managers to influence behavior is the use of exchange, it is where a leader attempts to express or implies promises and trades favors to the staff so that they comply with the set objective. Ineffective leaders also apply coalition tactics, the leader enlists the help of other people with intent of influencing the employees to work towards the set objectives. Legitimating tactics is also another tactic applied by ineffective managers and it involves making a basis for a request as being based on their authority or right, rules, policies or what other superiors in the organization had wanted. Success of an influence tactic is based how the people who are the target of the tactic react, either by demonstrating co mpliance, being committed or resist in regards to the achievement of the objective. A leader who has power will effectively apply a number of influence tactics that leaders who have little or no power will not apply. The challenge to the leaders is assessing the best situation and the most effective influence tactic to apply to achieve the desired outcome. References Fairholm, G. (2009). Organizational power politics : tactics in organizational leadership. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger/ABC-CLIO.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Contrast an Effective and Ineffective Leader Using the Concepts of Influence Tactics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hughes, R. Ginnett, R. Curphy G. (2009). Leadership : enhancing the lessons of experience. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Sun Bear Facts (Helarctos malayanus)
Sun Bear Facts (Helarctos malayanus) The sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) is the smallest species of bear. It gets its common name for the white or golden bib on its chest, which is said to represent the rising sun. The animal is also known as the honey bear, reflecting its love of honey, or the dog bear, referring to its stocky build and short muzzle. Fast Facts: Sun Bear Scientific Name: Helarctos malayanusCommon Names: Sun bear, honey bear, dog bearBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 47-59 inchesWeight: 60-176 poundsLifespan: 30 yearsDiet: OmnivoreHabitat: Southeast Asia rainforestsPopulation: DecreasingConservation Status: Vulnerable Description The sun bear has short black fur with a pale crescent-shaped bib that may be white, cream, or golden. It has a short, buff-colored muzzle. The bear has small, round ears; an extremely long tongue; large canine teeth; and large, curved claws. The soles of its feet are hairless, which helps the bear climb trees. Adult male sun bears are 10% to 20% larger than females. Adults average between 47 and 59 inches long and weigh between 60 and 176 pounds. The sun bear has curved claws and an extremely long tongue. Freder / Getty Images Habitat and Distribution Sun bears live in the evergreen tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. Their habitat includes northeastern India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, southern China, and some Indonesian islands. There are two subspecies of sun bear. The Bornean sun bear only lives on the island of Borneo. The Malayan sun bear occurs in Asia and on the island of Sumatra. Diet Sun bears, like other bears, are omnivores. They feed on bees, hives, honey, termites, ants, insect larvae, nuts, figs and other fruit, and sometimes flowers, plant shoots, and eggs. The bears strong jaws easily crack open nuts. Sun bears are hunted by humans, leopards, tigers, and pythons. Behavior Despite its name, the sun bear is largely nocturnal. It relies on its keen sense of smell to find food at night. The bears long claws help it climb and also tear open termite mounds and trees. The bear uses its extremely long tongue to lap up honey from bee hives. Male bears are more likely than females to be active during the day. Although relatively small, sun bears are known to be fierce and aggressive if disturbed. Because they live in the tropics, the bears are active year-round and do not hibernate. Reproduction and Offspring Sun bears reach sexual maturity around 3 to 4 years of age. They can mate at any time of the year. After a gestation period of 95 to 174 days, the females gives birth to one or two cubs (although twins are uncommon). Newborn cubs are blind and hairless and weigh between 9.9 and 11.5 ounces. Cubs are weaned after 18 months. In captivity, male and female bears socialize and jointly care for young. In other bear species the female raises her cubs on her own. The lifespan of highly reclusive wild sun bears is unknown, but captive bears live up to 30 years. Sun bear cubs are born blind and furless. Christian Aslund / Getty Images Conservation Status The IUCN classifies the sun bears conservation status as vulnerable. Bear populations are decreasing in size. The sun bear has been listed on CITES Appendix I since 1979. Threats While it is illegal to kill sun bears throughout their range, commercial hunting is among the species greatest threats. Sun bears are poached for their meat and gall bladders. Bear bile is used in traditional Chinese medicine and is also an ingredient in soft drinks, shampoo, and cough drops. Despite their temperament, sun bears are also illegally captured for the pet trade. The other significant threat to sun bear survival is habitat loss and fragmentation due to deforestation and human encroachment. Forest fires also affect sun bears, but they tend to recover providing there is a neighboring population. Sun bears are kept in captivity for their commercial value and for conservation. They are farmed for their gall bladders in Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar. Since 1994, the species has been part of a captive-breeding program with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the European breed registry. The Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre in Sandakan, Malaysia rehabilitates sun bears and works toward their conservation. Sources Brown, G. Great Bear Almanac. 1996. ISBN:978-1-55821-474-3.Foley, K. E., Stengel, C. J. and Shepherd, C. R. Pills, Powders, Vials and Flakes: The Bear Bile Trade in Asia. Traffic Southeast Asia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, 2011.Scotson, L., Fredriksson, G., Augeri, D., Cheah, C., Ngoprasert, D. Wai-Ming, W. Helarctos malayanus (errata version published in 2018). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T9760A123798233. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T9760A45033547.enServheen, C.; Salter, R. E. Chapter 11: Sun Bear Conservation Action Plan. In Servheen, C.; Herrero, S.; Peyton, B. (eds.). Bears: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. Gland: International Union for Conservation of Nature. pp. 219ââ¬â224, 1999.Wong, S. T.; Servheen, C. W.; Ambu, L. Home range, movement and activity patterns, and bedding sites of Malayan sun bears Helarctos malayanus in the Rainforest of Borneo. Biological Conservation. 119 (2): 169ââ¬â181, 2004. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2003.10. 029
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The American War on Terror in Afghanistan Essay
The American War on Terror in Afghanistan - Essay Example Moreover, many others believe that America should reassess its strategy from a realistic point of view to extricate itself from the conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq to concentrate on the wider aspects of the war on terrorism. à Now the question is how a country can attack another country without convincing reasons? Moreover, why the rest of the world keeping silence even when two sovereign states attacked by a superpower? How can the idealism of spreading democracy with the help of war be justified? Is it necessary for America to take a more pragmatic approach in fighting against terrorism? This paper tries to find answers to above question with the help of analysis of the war on terror both in Iraq and Afghanistan in a realistic point of view. à Americaââ¬â¢s war on terror strategies lacks consistency and a proper shape. While it engages in an all-out attack in Iraq, it uses targeted attacks in specific areas in Afghanistan. The reasons cited for attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan are entirely different. In Iraq, America accused that the president Saddam itself is leading the terrorist networks whereas in Afghanistan they had no such worries. In Afghanistan, America is getting support from the administration in their efforts to eliminate the Taliban led terrorist groups. à Mearsheimer (2005) has argued that Hans Joachim Morgenthau, one of the most important political thinkers of the 20th century and one of the great realist thinkers of all time has opposed the Vietnam War and he would have opposed the current war on terror also on same grounds. Mearsheimer has also mentioned that the dispute about whether to go to war in Iraq was between two competing theories of international politics: realism and the neo-conservatism that underpins the Bush doctrine (Mearsheimer). Many people now suspect that President Bush has certainly hidden agendas in conducting the war on terror.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
HEALTH COMMUNITIES, HEALTH CITIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
HEALTH COMMUNITIES, HEALTH CITIES - Essay Example Planning of cities in most countries has been linked to heath status of the people who inhabit such cities. In other words planning of cities directly or indirectly affects heath status of the population in the area. Towns together with cities affect heath in different ways that goes beyond the presence of health services in the area. Generally, the planning of urban and sometimes rural areas normally affects and shapes peopleââ¬â¢s life choices and at same time has a strong bearing on heath outcomes. According to Fredsgaard, Cave and Bond (2009) urban planning and the subsequent urban forms affect peopleââ¬â¢s choice of where to live, how to travel to work and school, how to clean the air and water and also what facilities people can us. In most cases, poor designing of cities is seen to result to poor heath that in turn put heavy burden on communities and health services (Fredsgaard, Cave, and Bond 2009). The extent to which an individual or group is able on the hand, to realize aspirations and satisfy needs on the other hand to change or cope with the environment. At the same time, health is seen as a resource for everyday life, not the object of living: it is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capabilities (WHO 1984 cited in Fredsgaard, Cave and Bond, 2009). In order to regulate and plan land use in both urban and rural areas it has become paramount for organizations to carry out assessment of health issues in relations to aspects of environment, social, economy and demographic aspects. Therefore carrying out assessment of the health has been done through a technique known as health impact assessment (HIA). According to World Health Organization (WHO) definition, HIA is construed to constitute ââ¬Å"combination of procedures, methods and tools that systematically judges the potential and sometimes unintended effects of a policy, plan, programme or project on the health of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Why Critical Thinking Is Important Essay Example for Free
Why Critical Thinking Is Important Essay I. Problem Statement: In normal circumstances, the concept of thinking and knowing cooperate together. However, fear of thinking will influence your preciseness in knowing and may lead to negative consequence. Moreover, without critical thinking, learning cannot be fully process though the brain which will lead to misunderstanding. For example, textbooks could only provide solid answers for every question. As long as you continue to follow the formulas of your mathematic textbook without critical thinking, you cannot think further and understand the real meaning behind the equation. Therefore, critical thinking is important in the accumulation of knowledge. II. Body: A. Why critical thinking is important? 1. Critical thinking is important because it veers a person away from certain mistake. 2. According to ââ¬Å"Thinking vs. Knowing: When Facts Get In the Wayâ⬠, by Victor E. Ferrall, Jr, he remind us that ââ¬Å"Of course, some knowledge is imprecise, e.g., if any of our kid is going to have a problem sleeping it will be Bobby, or Mom always brings her famous fruitcake to a party.â⬠3. Indeed, often the information that others provide us could be inaccurate. Hence, we should always use our brain to think and understand the other sideââ¬â¢s point of view in order to avoid insufficient knowledge. B. Amiss knowledge is dangerous if you donââ¬â¢t think critically. 1. Knowledge can sometimes be used to control or to dominate people. Therefore, we have to be critical about knowledge. 2. For example, In ââ¬Å"Thinking vs. Knowing: When Fact Get in the wayâ⬠, it give an example that the society use imprecise information to misleading people, it reports that ââ¬Å"when a religious sect ââ¬Å"knowsâ⬠the word will end on a date certain and it doesnââ¬â¢t, the usual response is, not to think about why the world did not end, but rather to choose a new deadline, i.e. create new ââ¬Å"knowledge.â⬠3. Even religious will use amiss knowledge to influence peopleââ¬â¢s belief, as a result, we should be careful with all the knowledge we learn from others because it may be wrong. Furthermore, if we can manage to be critical in thinking, then we can change and correct whatever mistaken knowledge when we receive it and thereby, wonââ¬â¢t be manipulate by others. C. Why people avoid to critical think? 1. People avoid to critical thinking because they donââ¬â¢t want to expose from the hidden story that could probably harm their ideal image. 2. In ââ¬Å"The need to know and the fear of Knowingâ⬠, written by Abraham H. Maslow, he claims that ââ¬Å"we tend to be afraid of any knowledge that could cause us to despise ourselves or to make us feel inferior, weak, worthless, evil and shameful.â⬠3. Our weakness leads us away from the freedom of thought. Slowly, you will start losing your freedom by living in a routine that does not require you to think. Meanwhile, when we start to lost our freedom slowly, living in a routine that does not require us to think, we are enslaving to the rule and control by the social structure. D. Why we should critical thinking? 1. We should think critically because it establishes liberty and intelligent. 2. According to the book named Krishnamuti, the writer believes that ââ¬Å"to be free is to be intelligent, but intelligence does not come into being by just wishing to be free; it comes into being only when you begin to understand your whole environment, the social, religious, parental and traditional influences that are continually closing in on you.â⬠3. Likewise, freedom requires you to think clear, open minded and rational before you apprehend the concealed stories. As soon as you realize the context, you will receive intelligent that could allow you to break down your fear and stand up for your freedom. III. Conclusion: In short, critical thinking is the major process when receiving knowledge. With this process, we can be able to seek the imprecise information and free from the power of regulation.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
costa rica :: essays research papers
The population here is approximately 3.6 million. Itââ¬â¢s attached to Central America and is south of Honduras and north of panama. Costa Rica is situated between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The countryââ¬â¢s economy is based on agriculture, electronic exports and tourism. Coffee has historically been the country's most important crop. The banana is the second most important export crop, with vast plantations covering parts of the Caribbean lowlands, but there is also significant land dedicated to such things as pineapples, sugar, oranges, rice, cattle, hardwoods and ornamental plants. à à à à à I have seen many beautiful national parks here such as the Manuel Antonio national park that has 105 000 visitors per year. Another park such as Irazu has 104 000 visitors per year. Poqs has the most visitors per year with 175 000 per year. A lot of other things that have attracted me are surfing, snorkeling, and scuba diving. The nature here is spectacular with some amazing rain forests. I am even trying to learn a little bit of Spanish because that is the official language here. All year round there are numerous festivals, parades, fiestas with fireworks and even bullfights. à à à à à There were certain things that I didnââ¬â¢t like about the island and that is the poverty I see everyday. I hope there wonââ¬â¢t be a storm while Iââ¬â¢m staying here because lots of hurricanes pass by Costa Rica. Something you might not now about Costa Rica is that there are One million tourists here every year! Also, the new TV program Temptation Island 2 is being filmed in Costa Rica. I have been staying in the city of San Josà ©, which seems to be one of the more popular cities on this island. I am currently staying at an inn called El Rodeo Country Inn. Itââ¬â¢s located only 5 minutes from the San Jose Airport and just 12 minutes from the city center. It was just built in July 1996; the El Rodeo Country Inn is a countryside village. There are amazing scenic views of the nearby volcanic mountains, vegetable farms, pastures and fields. Right now I am relaxing in the Jacuzzi and just came from the sauna and swimming pool. All the rooms are air conditioned with cable TV, hot water, bathtub and telephone, hairdryer and safety deposit box. Costa Rica's system of government is very similar to that of the United States of America.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Bachelorââ¬â¢s Degree and Partial Fulfillment Essay
Adviser Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science by the Committee of Oral Examiners. Chairman Member Member Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science March, 2013 Dean, CITE Department ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This thesis will not be possible without the help and support of the following individuals who gave their guidance and assistance in the development of this study. From the , we express much gratitude to our dean, , our adviser who aided us with all the academic requirements and greatly inspired us as we passed all the obstacles throughout the completion of this work. The Discipline Office especially for being compliant to our queries regarding the manual system they have and about their specifications for the new system. The people we most wish to thank are our families, for whom our education would not have been possible and who held faith in us and pushed us to achieve success in everything we do. This example of success is a great chance that we will stride for the victory of our lives. To our respective colleagues and to the members of the group, for the endless brainstorming from dusk till dawn and coming up with concepts that helped us with this research. Lastly, of all the hardships and challenges that we encountered, we are humbly thankful because the Lord Almighty showered us knowledge, courage, and passion to endure and succeed in the completion of this work. Abstract The purpose of this study is to improve the manual record management system of the Discipline Office in by transforming it as a web-based system. The research study focuses on simplifying the difficult and time-consuming task of managing, tracking, and handling student discipline records and helps improve discipline by ensuring that students are held accountable for their actions effectively. Advantages and disadvantages of both systems were identified by conducting this work. To gather the needed data, interview and survey methods were used and analyzed by means of descriptive approach. The results showed that the respondents agree that an online system is more preferable to have than the other, as it gives benefits to the university by enabling them to efficiently handle discipline-related tasks. As stated from literatures, these findings clearly emphasize the need for the conversion of the officeââ¬â¢s manual system to ensure the reliability and validity of records.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Race and ethnicity in the United States Census Essay
Race is a biological entity, but it has been proven that the concept of race can be constructed or manipulated by societies that even though since an anthropological and biological perspective the barrier between races is very clear. Ethnicity isnââ¬â¢t a societal concept founded by the color of skin, since everyone knows individuals of the identical race have variations of skin color. For example in European circles, Middle Easterners such as Arabs, Jews, Iranians (Indo-Europeans or Aryans); North Africans like Berbers and Arabs; Latin Americans of pure Caucasian descent and Northern Indians and Pakistanis are not considered Caucasian or white, even though anthropologically and genetically they are. People can deny kinship or invent their kinship to people of other genetic markers if this makes them keep their status or way of life; this has to do with issues like migration, religion and the like. Race refers to the bodily and biotic features for specific sets of individuals. For example: anyone may recognize an individualââ¬â¢s ethnicity founded up skeleton construction, predominantly the cranium, since the various races have distinctive, skeleton structures. Diverse ethnicities have diverse bone concentrations. Afro-Americanââ¬â¢s have the thickest bone because they need to stockpile ââ¬Å"calcium and vitamin D in their bonesâ⬠because of the dusky color that does not allow the sun to simply infiltrate and produce the vitamins to protect their skeletal frame (Comer, 1972). White and Asian ethnicity produce smaller skeletal density since light skin permits the sun to infiltrate into the skin easier. This makes it easier to take up vitamin D from the sun. There are a large number of variations within ethical groups than may be condensed to tinier clusters of ethnic clusters. However, ethnic groupings are not unsubstantiated and illogical societal tags. There is a plethora of fabrication concerning race around, and most 19th century anthropology scientists that studied race were mistaken concerning many facts, however the entire theory should not be trashed. Even Darwin made mistakes concerning many facts, however it should not require the complete Theory of Evolution should be trashed as well.. A societal structure may function as an instrument of organization that sustains the domination of specific ethnic races and the subservience of other races. Race is described as being ââ¬Å" ââ¬ËRaceââ¬â¢ is first and foremost an unequal relationship between social aggregates, characterized by dominant and subordinate forms of social interaction, and reinforced by the intricate patterns of public discourse, power, ownership and privilege within the economic, social and political institutions of societyâ⬠(Commer,1997). Ethnicity merely turns out to be genuine when societies act in other habits that cause subservience to last. It converts actual once society acts toward one another that maintain the subservience. Race often causes ethically emotional discourse which includes constant practices of displacement and ethnic suffering. Principles and individuality are also societal structures (permanent. The description of individuality by Sarikaya: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦identity is not only a story, a narrative which we tell ourselves about ourselves, it is stories which change with historical circumstances. And identity shifts with the way in which we think and hear them and experience them. Far from only coming from the still small point of truth inside us, identities actually come from outside, they are the way in which we are recognized and then come to step into the place of the recognitions which others give us. Without the others there is no self, there is no self-recognitionâ⬠(Sarikaya, 2011). It is similar to a camera, the controlling scrutiny changes an individual to thing and ââ¬Å"â⬠¦the normalizing gaze [is] a surveillance that makes it possible to qualify, to classify and to punish, and it establishes, over individuals a visibility through which one differentiates and judges themâ⬠(Foucault,1991 pg. 25). Race has the capacity to change anyone into a historic minute outside of that which a person is unable to step out of. Race adopts the theory that there is a pattern of regularity and accurate, each person separate from this pattern should be conveyed to the pattern ââ¬â the normalcy is considered to be a young, Caucasian, Christian, man. The societal imagination is a broad area that groups is now created, made-up, placed and formed by dominate dialogues and governing society. There is no social justice or injustice of classifying or not classifying people according to the race they belong to, some can say racial classifications are harmful to the unity of the group, that it causes racism, etc. It should not be something bad or something to be afraid of or something to avoid, there should be not prejudice in the concept of race, and everyone should be happy with their ancestry and celebrate their phenotype and genotype and not suffer prejudice from society for being descendant of certain people. References: Comer, J. P. , (1972). Beyond Black and White. New York, NY: Quadrangle Books. Retried from: http://kcmo. ent. sirsi. net/client/en_US/NKCPL/search/results/? ln=en_US&q=Beyond+Bla ck+and+White&rt=&rw=0. Foucault, M. , (1991). Discipline and Punish The birth of prison (2nd ed. ) New York, NY: Random House, Inc. Sarikaya, D. (2001). The Construction of Afro-Caribbean Identity in the Poetry of Linton Kwesi Johnson. Journal of Caribbean Literatures, (Spring 2011, Vol. 7, Issue 1, p161-175, 15p). Retrieved from: http://av4kc7fg4g. search.serialssolutions. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/? ctx_ver=Z39. 88-2004&ctx_enc=info%3Aofi%2Fenc %3AUTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/summon. serialssolutions. com&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:jo urnal&rft. genre=article&rft. atitle=The+construction+of+Afro-Caribbean+cultural+identity+in+t he+poetry+of+Linton+Kwesi+Johnson&rft. jtitle=Journal+of+Caribbean+Literatures&rft. au=Sar ikaya %2C+Dilek&rft. date=2011-01-01&rft. pub=Journal+of+Caribbean+Literatures&rft. issn=1086-01 0X&rft. eissn=2167-9460&rft. volume=7&rft. issue=1&rft. spage=161&rft. externalDBID=n %2Fa&rft. externalDocID=338524281¶mdict=en-US.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Say Happy New Year With Funny Quotes
Say Happy New Year With Funny Quotes Ring in the New Yearà on a cheerful note. Say, Happy New Year withà funny quotes. With a sprinkling ofà wit and loads of imagination, these New Year quotes can be the proverbial icing on the cake. The last day of December is bittersweet. It heralds the time to bid goodbye to the old year and prepare for a new beginning. The first of January is not just another date on the calendar. It is a chance to make amendsà and start fresh. Quotes to Ring in the New Year Jim Gaffigan My New Years resolution for 2010? I will be lessà lazy. Anonymous Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits. Eric Zorn Making resolutionsà is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility. Breaking them is part of the cycle. Laura Kightlinger It goes Christmas, New Years Eve, and Valentines Day. Is that fair to anyone whos alone? If you didnt get around to killing yourself on Christmas or New Years, boom, theres Valentines Day for you. There should be a holiday after Valentines Day called Are you still here? Jay Leno Now there are more overweight people in America than average-weight people. So overweight people are now average. Which means youve met your New Years resolution. P. J. ORourke The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Years Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person youre married to. Rainer Maria Rilke And now we welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been. Aleister Crowley,à Moonchild May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind ofà virtue so that I triumph even when I fall! Robert Clark I would say Happy New Year but its not happy; its exactly the same as last year except colder. Ring in the Celebrations With New Year Resolutions Making New Year resolutions is aà time-honored tradition in many families. In the course of making and breaking resolutions, do not forget to have fun. This is the holiday week, a time when even the worst bossà will cut you some slack. Have you been invited to aà New Yearà party? Have you thought about what you will wear for the occasion? And who will accompany you? Live it up this New Years Eve. Appreciate the wisdom in this quotation by Benjamin Franklin, Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for thats the stuff life is made of. Read more New Year quotations to encourage you to celebrate. Spend Time With Family Not a party animal? That is no excuse to stay hidden indoors. Arrange a cozy get-together for yourà family. What better way to ring in the New Year than in the company of your favorite people? Rewind to the words of the great Thomas Jefferson:à The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family. This evergreen quote highlights the importance of family. Read more New Year sayings that echo similar thoughts. Remember Last Years Lessons When the New Year comes calling, look forward to the opportunities it brings. However, do not forget the hard knocks that life dealt you over the last one year. Those experiences have only made you stronger. While you are at it, dwell on the joys of the past year. As we stand on the line that separates the old from the new, we can only guess what the New Year might bring. Amid the joy we feel at bidding goodbye to the old year, there is usually a pang of regret too. As Charles Lamb once wrote, Of all sound of all bells, the most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the Old Year. Appreciate and Use Humor New Years Day is dedicated to joy, optimism, and laughter. Humor is always welcome. Put a little New Years joke on your New Years greeting card. A little line like musician Joe Kings New year, same goal usually brings on the chuckles. If you want something longer, and a little more irreverent, turn to the ever-funny Jay Leno. One popular line by the American comedian goes, New Years Eve, where an auld acquaintance is forgotten! Unless, of course, those tests come back positive. Welcome a Brand New Year If the past yearà has been unkind to you, hope that the New Year is different. Read a few more inspirational New Year quotes. They could give you the strength to think positive once again.à Believe in that statement as you prepare to welcome a brand new year. Rather than sulk in the sidelines, think about that utterly joyful quotation by former baseball player Barbara Hoffman, Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey! Put that smile on your face and wish everybody a Happy New Year!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Writing News Stories for the Web
Writing News Stories for the Web Journalismââ¬â¢s future is clearly online, so itââ¬â¢s important for any aspiring journalist to learn the basics of writing for the web. Newswriting and web writing are similar in many ways, so if youââ¬â¢ve done news stories, learning to write for the web shouldnââ¬â¢t be hard. Here are some tips: Keep It Short Reading from a computer screen is slower than reading from a paper. So if newspaper stories need to be short, online stories need to be even shorter. A general rule of thumb: web content should have about half as many words as its printed equivalent. So keep your sentences short and limit yourself to one main idea per paragraph. Short paragraphs- just a sentence or two each- look less imposing on a web page. Break It Up If you do have an article thatââ¬â¢s on the longish side, donââ¬â¢t try to cram it onto one web page. Break it up into several pages, using a clearly visible ââ¬Å"continued on next pageâ⬠link at the bottom. Write in the Active Voice Remember the Subject-Verb-Object model from newswriting. Use it for web writing as well. S-V-O sentences written in the active voice tend to be short and to the point. Use the Inverted Pyramid Summarize the main point of your article right at the start, just as you would in the lede of a news story. Put the most important information in the top half of your article, the less important stuff in the bottom half. Highlight Key Words Use boldface text to highlight especially important words and phrases. But use this sparingly; if you highlight too much text, nothing will stand out. Use Bulleted and Numbered Lists This is another way of highlighting important information and breaking up chunks of text that may be getting too long. Use Subheads Subheads are another way to highlight points and break up text into user-friendly chunks. But keep your subheads clear and informative, not ââ¬Å"cute.â⬠Use Hyperlinks Wisely Use hyperlinks to connect surfers to other web pages that are related to your article. But use hyperlinks only when needed; if you can summarize the information succinctly without linking elsewhere, do so.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Macro Economics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Macro Economics - Research Paper Example Macroeconomists create models that clarify the connection between factors such as national income, consumption, output, unemployment, savings, inflation, investment, international finance, and international trade. In contrast, microeconomics mainly focuses on the proceedings of individual agents, like firms, and consumers, plus how their actions determine quantities and prices in specific markets. Macroeconomics, on the other hand, is a wide field of research. There are two areas of study that are exemplary of the discipline. They are the effort to comprehend the causes and penalties of short-run fluctuations in national income, as well as the attempt to comprehend the determinants of long-run economic growth. Long term economic growth refers to the increase in national income. Macroeconomic patterns plus their forecasts are applied by both large corporations and governments to help out in the development and assessment of business strategy and economic policy (McConnell, 2011). This paper will discuss the basic concepts of macroeconomics. Macroeconomics takes in a variety of variables and ideas, but there are only three essential topics regarding macroeconomic study. Macroeconomic theories normally relate the phenomena of output, inflation and unemployment. Outside of macroeconomic theory, these areas are also extremely vital to all economic agents including consumers, workers as well as producers (McConnell, 2011). ... t can be considered as total income, or, it can be seen from the production angle and considered as the sum of all value added to the economy or the total value of final goods and services. Macroeconomic output is normally calculated through national accounts but mostly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is applied in calculating macroeconomics (Hubbard, 2009). Progress in technology, addition of machinery and other assets, and improved education and human capital all bring about increased economic output ultimately. However, output does not at all times increase constantly. Business cycles can bring about short-term drops in output referred to as recessions. Economists search for macroeconomic plans that prevent economies from falling into recessions and that leads the economy to a faster and long-standing growth. Unemployment The sum of unemployment in an economy is calculated by the unemployment rate, the fraction of workers lacking jobs in the labor force (Abel, 2010). The workforce on ly consists of workers actively searching for employment. Individuals who are retired, still undertaking education, or discouraged from looking for employment by a lack of job prospects are not included in the workforce. Joblessness can be separated into a number of types that are correlated to diverse causes. Classical unemployment takes place when salaries are too high for companies to be ready to employ more staff. Income may be too high due to union activity or minimum wage laws. In harmony with classical unemployment, frictional unemployment takes place when suitable job vacancies exist for an employee, but the span of time needed to look for and get the job leads to an episode of joblessness. Structural unemployment, on the other hand, covers a number of possible reasons for
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